Oklahoma Certified Beef Association

Homegrown… Right here in Oklahoma


As defined by the Oklahoma State Legislature, Oklahoma Certified Beef is guaranteed to be bred, born, raised and processed exclusively within the state of Oklahoma.


All cattle are certified under an affidavit system. Producers testify that their cattle meet requirements, and a knowledgeable third-party sign off for each stage. These third-party verifiers can be veterinarians, processors, bankers, etc. If the individual, is familiar with the entire operation, they may sign for all four stages. Also different verifiers can sign for different stages. For example, a veterinarian can sign off that the cattle are bred, born, and raised here, and a processor can sign off it was processed in Oklahoma. Finally, the affidavit will need to be notarized by a public notary. OCBA’s goal with this is to keep the association as honorable as possible.



Currently, Oklahoma Certified Beef can be purchased directly from our producers. Use our Producer Directory to find certified beef in your area.


Please note – some of our producers only sell beef by the whole, half, or quarter.



For more information about the Oklahoma Certified Beef Association, please contact  Interim OCBA Program Director Laici Neumann at 405-218-5593 or [email protected] or visit https://www.oklahomacertifiedbeef.com/



The OCBA is open exclusively to AFR Cooperative members. All current AFR policy holders are automatically members. Any interested non-members can join the AFR Cooperative through an annual dues only membership of $50.


We currently offer two OCBA membership options to help offset the association’s administrative costs.

Membership Options

Annual Membership

$40/year allows you to certify up to 40 head of cattle. Additional cattle may be certified at $1/head at any time.

Lifetime Membership

$1000 allows you to certify an unlimited number of cattle each year.

To join the OCBA, return the Membership Form, payment, and Affidavit Form to OCBA Program Interim Director Laici Neumann at 405-218-5593 or [email protected].