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Our organization consists of farmers actively involved in agricultural production and non-farmers who want to add their voice on behalf of the principals and philosophies of AFR.

As a member of AFR, you have a unique opportunity to influence and shape policy that will direct the organization as it works with Congress, the Oklahoma Legislature and state and federal agencies.
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From AFR

AFR Applauds DOJ Expansion to Focus on Agriculture Issues

June 25, 2024

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Antitrust Division announced a significant expansion of its efforts to address agricultural issues, with a plan to increase staffing dedicated to civil and criminal enforcement in the sector. Michael Kades, Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the DOJ Antitrust Division, made this announcement at R-CALF USA’s 2024 Annual National Convention June 21 in Deadwood, S.D.


Oklahoma Youth Top Agriculture Achievement Contest

March 25, 2024

Ten agricultural youth from across Oklahoma have earned top placings in the 2024 American Farmers & Ranchers (AFR) Agricultural Achievement Contest. The contest was conducted in conjunction with the Oklahoma Youth Expo (OYE) in Oklahoma City March 13-22. This year, AFR presented $5,000 in prizes to contestants prior to the Oklahoma Youth Expo Grand Drive March 21.



March 5, 2024

The Farmers Union Foundation Inc. board of directors met Monday, March 4 to authorize the Foundation to expend up to $10,000 to purchase barbed wire supplies for Western Oklahoma counties impacted by wildfires including Harper, Ellis and Roger Mills Counties. The approved match funds can be matched by members, non-members, local and county organizations, or others up to the $10,000 commitment.


Did You Know?

The four largest multinational meatpackers control 54% of U.S. poultry processing, 66% of U.S. pork packing, and 85% of beef packing.


Did You Know?

Farmers in the corn and soybean markets must sell their crops to the same four companies that control 82% of soybean crushing and 84% of wet corn milling in the U.S. 

Did You Know?

Just four firms account for approximately 84% of the global herbicide and pesticide market.